
Sunday 5 April 2015

"Is Jesus The Only Way?"

Good Morning!  Happy Easter everyone!! Question:  What was the motivation that brought you out to read today's Message?  Why this particular day? 

Easter Sunday 2015:  Psalm 118 Colossians 3: 1-4  John 20: 1-18 
The Easter account we read this morning begins with a lot of running. When Mary Magdalene finds the tomb empty, she runs to tell Peter and John.  They get excited and a race begins as they run to check it out for themselves.  How many of us arrived breathless this morning because we got so excited  about coming out to celebrate the victory of life over death.
Karl Barth a popular theologian has been quoted to say “ What brings people out to worship, not just at Easter, but any day, is this unspoken question    “Is it true.   Thomas one of the 12 posed the question himself.  I won’t believe unless I see the proof for myself.   Is it true, that God established what we call the laws of nature, then broke the very law of life and death by raising Jesus from the dead never to die again?   Is it true, that something so extraordinary happened on Easter morning, that we can only rebuild our future on its foundation, that there is no other foundation for the Christian church?  
"The Church's Foundation" 

One might think that the end of life should not be the place for beginners.  But in fact there is no better place to begin than when something ends right!   This is the day that is probably the hardest and most difficult to understand without doubt let alone believe, for even the most seasoned Christian.  Why of course we have doubt!  Doubt should not make you feel to out of place here,  even Jesus closest friends, the disciples, even his mom doubted what he said was going to happen to him.  This was a day when God brake all the rules, the rules governing the laws of nature and human logic, showing us that neither law, nature nor human logic have any authority or power when it comes to the ways of our God.    God and Jesus would change history and humankind forever on EASTER morning.   Nothing would ever be the same again.  If we look at all the sermons that were delivered by the Apostils to the early churches, beginning with the book of Acts, we would see that the preaching and the testimonies they delivered were not about Jesus life and his teachings.   No, In fact, I believe that they understood that what Jesus had taught by word and action, had been said and done before in the days of the Old Testament.   Jesus wasn't trying to surpass the religious teachings of the Old Testament, the prophets or the miracles of Moses, think about it, the parting of the red sea, my goodness who could top that!!!   God’s great wisdom, acts of healing and compassion can be found in great quantity within the Old Testament.   In fact Jesus isn’t the first to resurrect someone from the dead.  In 1 Kings 17: verses 19-24 Elijah is the first.  Jesus also claimed that greater mysteries and miracles would be uncovered and presented by modern day teachers who would come after him, theologians, philosophers, sages, monks, Zen Master, scientists, and developers of technology and medicine.    We need not look any farther than just some of the medical and technological advances or our century to prove Jesus right.   Can you imagine a modern space craft, a cruise ship,  a computer, the internet, a smart phone or an Kendal book reader in the hands of Mary, Thomas, Peter, Matthew or John.   What would they make of it, unbelievable mind boggling miracles?   This is why the Gospels are considered the forerunner for the MAIN EVENT, for the greatest mystery and miracle there ever was or ever will be:  “RESURRECTION” where ordinary people like you and I would fool the prince of darkness and transcend death as Jesus did, to live again in a new form forever, never to die again.   This mystery shatters the illusion of death folks, don’t be afraid you don’t die.  In fact Jesus tells us outright  “those who seek to save themselves will loose themselves”.       God has made a way for us to defeat death and to live forever eternally!!!   Now that miracle and mystery tops anything humankind has ever or in my mind will ever do.   And the universe will be your playground.     
You see for the early followers this day, Easter as we call it, was and still is the beginning point, place where you can begin to find faith.   After the resurrection it took about 60 years to lay the foundations for what would become the Christian Church.  Christianity in the beginning was not divided by denominations, for they were known only as “People of the Way.”   It was and is the resurrection that makes Jesus and his followers unique from all the other religions of the world and their miracles.  You know those who were brought back to life from death in both the Old and New Testament accounts, they were not resurrected because they retained their physical bodies and   every one of them had to die again.   Jesus’ resurrection is the first fruit of eternal life with a new spiritual body, where you go on into eternity and there’s no coming back.  
Easter is for the beginner.  This is where we start with his resurrection because this it is precisely where the church started.    For centuries Christians all over the world have begun their journey of faith by turning to and reflecting upon the empty tomb.   Without the resurrection, Jesus would have remained just another prophet of his time.   As sophisticated and technological as we have become in our time let us not forget that raising someone from the dead would be just as difficult to believe by those in Jesus’ time as it is for many of us today.   All the disciples Peter, Thomas, James, Andrew, even his mom had their doubts.   In fact if you have doubt it is OK,  because there is something in this story that produces doubt.  Think about it folks, there’s no hope in the things you already know or have the answers to.  Would it surprise you if I told you, that one of the major building blocks, in the foundation of faith, is doubt!   The Thomas we know from scripture the Doubting Thomas as he has been labelled would tell you that it was precisely because of his doubt, that he eventually found his faith, and discovered who Jesus was for him.  In fact we all start out with doubt don’t we?  In John 20:27-29  Jesus says to Thomas, "Put your finger here. See my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."  Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"  Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed.   Blessed are those who have not seen me but still have believed."   Did you notice, who Thomas recognizes Jesus to be and Jesus doesn't rebuke him, He doesn't say “no, no Thomas you made a mistake you called me God”  he simply says “Because you have seen me you have believed”.  There is something in this story that reached the deepest regions of our hearts and minds, where doubt exists “BUT” faith can be found.   The resurrection gives us such a miracle of love and forgiveness that it is worthy of doubt and thus opens the door to faith.  So then, the place to begin is not necessarily with those things we know for certain, things we never doubt.   Consider this: realities that leave no room for doubt may not be large enough or open enough, to reveal God to us.   So let me say without hesitation: what we Christians proclaim at Easter is too profound to be contained by certainty, to wonderful to be found only within the borders of our logical minds.   I cannot explain to you with certainty or logic just what has happened for me, nor could Thomas or any of those who have found their faith in Christ.     Your Faith is personal and it begins right here, at the resurrection.   You must begin to seek and find faith for yourself.  Easter is a day for beginners, and for the committed alike, why, because our faith needs to grow and a healthy faith will continue to grow throughout your life.   Do you have a longing to know more!!!    I have a suggestion for you, do not start your search with the first Gospel in the New Testament the Gospel of Matthew, but start with the fourth Gospel the Gospel of John.   Start with John the mystic, who places Jesus with God in the beginning.  Let us listen to of John 1: 1 &14 NIV.      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.    Happy Easter Folks!!    Give thanks in Prayer.  

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