
Saturday 18 July 2015

"I Pray And Nothing Happens?"

Folks This will be my last post until the 16th of August as I will be away on holidays enjoy thank you for listening. 
July 28 2013   Psalm 85  Colossians 2:6 -15  Luke 11: 1-13
Last week we listen to and discussed the story of Mary and Martha. We may have learned that being faithful to God involves more than doing things out of love - that an authentic doing of the word arises out of hearing the word.  I believe that was what Jesus was trying to say to Martha, that Mary has chosen something better than just doing first.  First we need to hear the word then we put it into action.  Many have a difficultly taking time out to attend a gathering where the word is shared.  Many never really hear the word for themselves and often take in only someone else's perspective of the word and accept that prespective as gospel. 
Jesus reminded Martha when she became anxious and upset that simply listening to him and talking with him is a good thing to do first - an important thing, a necessary thing - and that perhaps a simple meal with good conversation might be better than a fancy meal with anger and or being upset.  We too need to be reminded that God’s provision is daily, not all at once.  We cannot store up on provision and then disconnect or stop communications with God.  Therefore Folks, we dare not be self-satisfied.  May I suggest if you feel you are running low on strength to face life and its challenges, ask yourself this question?  “How long have I been away from the source”?   Your relationship to God is moment by moment, not day by day or week by week as many of us unknowingly try to make it.   If you have been overcome with life’s circumstances, anger, frustration, sickness or unforgiveness be it a family or personal issue, stop; take a time out and communicated with God in prayer.   Prayer will lower your blood pressure, ease, balance and calm your soul. Something is always happening when we pray, even if we do not feel it or  see God's handy work at the moment.  Jesus teaches us how to get into lineament with God's amazing grace,  so we can access the awareness of manifested prayer even is it is a no to a specific plea, don't give up hope because something good is always happening somewhere. 

Today's gospel reading continues by showing Jesus a few days later - at prayer.   When he is finished praying, one of his disciples says to him: "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples to pray."  Jesus gives them and us a formula to begin our prayers.   Some years ago somebody developed this little reminder of how to pray.  It was coined, Praying the ACTS.    The letter A stands for Adoration, C for Confession, T for Thanksgiving, and the S is for Supplication.    This formula comes to us out of the common prayer Jesus taught, we heard its beginnings this passage this morning.  Our Father in Heaven, hollowed be thy name.  Prayer should start with Adoration:   You can use words such as: Oh Great and Merciful God, creator of all that I am and will ever be,   In other words let your heart speak words of praise to your God, lift up His holy presence.   The words are not as important as your honest enthusiasm for a loving and merciful God, for the great things that he has done.  Does a hymn come to mind here?  "Oh Come to the Father great things He has Done."   Look up expressions of Adoration in the Psalms there are lots of expressions in the poetry and music found there.  Make notes of things you read.  How many here Journal?  If you keep a record of your personal pleas, I promise you, later on you will see the good and how your prayer was answered.   
Next we have CONFESSION:   Then Jesus says, acknowledge your sin, using these words  “And forgive our sins as we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us”.   This moment of confession is the corner stone of all prayer.  If I have not forgiven those who trespassed against me, no matter who, what or why, how then can I pray asking God to do for me that which I have not done for others?  In other words we break the great commandment which instructs us to do for our neighbour as we have done for ourselves.
Jesus has already sealed my forgiveness with his act of unconditional love.  All I have to do is accept it.  If that were not so his love and forgiveness would have conditions.   Let me illustrate this act of forgiveness using a metaphor.  Jesus from the cross, offers to take our cloak of sins, which by the way would include acts of hate, rage, murder, jealously, greed, selfishness etc.   He takes these sins unto himself and in exchange, offers us his cloak of righteousness.   This can only be done with the attribute of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness.  If we accept his cloak, that is how He will present us to God.  Not in our sinfulness, but in his righteousness.   We are no longer held in bondage by our dirty old rag of sinfulness, but we are awash in His love and forgiveness, dressed in the garment of his righteousness.   Understanding this act of grace, we can go into the next phase of prayer with thanksgiving in our heart.
THANKSGIVING:   Here is where you get to say thank you God for all that you have done for me, for food,shelter, work, family, friends, life whatever comes into your thankful heart and mind.  {let us keep in mind here for many in our world who pray food, shelter, work, life, etc. may be meager compared to yours, but the thanksgiving is the same.} Say it from the heart with honest enthusiasm letting Him know how appreciative you really are for whatever you have.  It delights God to hear your words of gratitude, thanks and praise and all the Saints of heaven cheer you on.   The last stage of the ACTS prayer is supplication. 
SUPPLICATION:  Supplication is the final component, and this means praying not only for your needs but also for the needs of others.  Pray for your friends, family, your pastor, missionaries, government leaders, and persecuted persons around the world.  Don't forget to include you as we are all in need.  You may want to pray for such things as God's guidance, wisdom, and opportunities to serve, you may ask for anything in my name Jesus tells us and something will happen.  
Unfortunately there are many who still think of God as a kind of santa clause figure, where you give him your wish list and he fills it.   Here, generally the first three stages of entering into pray are missed.  Often we go right to the asking stage, without taking the proper time to tune in.  I have often used the metaphor of a musical instrument to illustrate this point.  If I don’t take time to check the tuning of my instrument before I begin to play, I will make noise, not music, and no one will make any sense of what I am attempting.   Same with prayer, if we don’t take time to tune in for prayer, our prayer will be nothing more than a noisy gong.  Everything in the Universe has an alignment process, where things must be aligned as they should.  I believe that Jesus is telling us a formula for alignment here, something we can follow when we want to communicate with God.   
I would like to debunk 5 of the most common reason why people say they just cannot pray. 
1.   Those who feel not good enough to approach God.   Don’t you know that none or us are good enough, and it is probably the best reason why we need to pray.  On our own we will never be good enough, we all need God by our side.   
2.   God has more important things than me to take care for.   If you believe you are a part of His creation and that He knew you before you entered the womb He is your real Mother, your real Father and your God.  Nothing in this world is more important to Him than His child.  No matter how old you are, or what you have or have not done, you are his child. 3.  I should not ask or pray for myself, it selfish, I should pray for others.    If I have  never prayed for own deliverance, healing, or peace of mind so I can experienced his hand of mercy on me, how can I assure others that prayer works?         
4.  I prayed, once should be enough.   The scriptures debunk this theory by telling us over and over again to pray without ceasing.  One gesture of gratitude is not enough to fill the cup for ever, one thank you is not sufficient.   As you drink the good drink you will need to refill the cup moment by moment, day by day.   
5.  I don’t know what to ask for, I am afraid that I will ask for the wrong thing.    Prayer is not meant for asking, prayer is meant as a means to communicating with God.   Speak openly with your God show Him worship and praise, tell Him your sin and accept His forgiveness, then shower Him with gratitude and speak of your needs for yourself and for others.  Do it as many times a day as you feel the need.   He will help you rise us up out of your circumstances and will supply you with your true needs for living spiritually.  Isn’t God GREAT!!!   Take a time out to pray. 

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