
Saturday 16 January 2016

"Are We Missing The Point"

While we are awed by the mystery of miracles we often miss its point!
 Jan 17 2016  1 Corinthians 12: 1-11  Psalm 36 5-10 John 2: 1-11
Years ago when Johnny Carson was the host of The Tonight Show he interviewed an eight year old boy. The young man was asked to appear because he had rescued two friends in a coalmine outside his hometown in West Virginia. As Johnny questioned the boy, it became apparent to him and the audience that the young man was a Christian.  So Johnny asked him if he attended Sunday school.  When the boy said he did Johnny inquired, "What are you learning in Sunday school?" "Last week," came his reply, "our lesson was about when Jesus went to a wedding and turned water into wine." The audience roared, but Johnny tried to keep a straight face. Then he said, "And what did you learn from that story?" The boy squirmed in his chair. It was apparent he hadn't thought about this.  But then he lifted up his face and said, "If you're going to have a wedding, it might be a good idea to invite Jesus!"
You know as funny as that was for the audience,  that is pretty profound advice.  Jesus is, at least for those who follow him, a sign of God being present in your life.    Jesus brings God into the picture and kindles in us the Holy Spirit.   Both relationships are meant to be life long Folks, the first doesn’t end when you put a ring on a finger.  The relationship with Jesus doesn’t end when you say you are a Christian.  The covenant your making is for life Folks.  Jesus at the weeding is not only keeping the party going, his presence there speaks of the eternal.  There is something of eternity in a marriage and something in Christ that connects us all for eternity.  Christ was in our past, is in our now and will be our future.  
So then, it is a good thing to have Jesus at wedding ceremonies, indeed it is good to have Jesus show up everywhere in our daily lives.  The gospel today is not only about Jesus performing a miracle, it is also about family and about family embarrassment.  It is about how our celebrations can turn in a moment to personal disaster, this is when we really need Jesus to be there for us to.   What do you do when the laughter and the joy run out?   How many here today have experienced a family gathering when joy turns into an embarrassment, a difficult situation or yes even a disaster?  We humans can get carried away with indulgence and not see trouble coming.  How many of us here today would have consciously though to invite the spirit of Christ to come to our festive gathering.  Jesus has been invited to attend this gathering and His presence has a profound effect on its outcome.  Many focus on the biblical miracles and get sidetracked and miss the point of the story.  The miracle is really secondary to what Jesus brings to a gathering, or what he offer us in his teaching.  In those days, and probably even today, you the host wouldn’t want to run out of food or drink with invited guests.   Mary, understanding the embarrassment the family was faced with, she asks Jesus to do something about it, and he does.  At first Jesus show reluctance to fulfill his mother’s request, because he explains it is not time yet to show Gods authority over life.   But Jesus’ true nature, to be a servant to all, comes shinning through doesn’t it.    Jesus will never fail the voice who asks for his help.  Did you hear that folks, this is our first learning here if you have the ears to hear it, Jesus will always respond to a call for help.     
Notice how Johns Gospel doesn’t focus on the miracle but only says this it is the first of his miraculous signs.  What was the first sign of the Holy being present in the circumstances in your life?   Take a moment and reflect on that thought.   You can put your trust in Him for Jesus never fails.   When you invite Jesus into your daily life, no matter what the occasion, you open the door for the Holy to enter in.   On the other hand if you do not invite the Holy into your daily life, you will not see the darkness coming until trouble shows up.  Trouble is like an out of control foolish child, but the father of trouble is evil and evil isn’t just foolish evil can turn deadly.   Don’t invite the Holy and you will leave the door wide open for the unholy to enter into your wok, your family, and your life.   Darkness cannot with stand the light of Christ.  In fact His light dispels darkness and brings peace of mind, real joy and God’s love into any situation or circumstance.  It is not about miracles it’s about TRUST.   Mother Mary puts her trust in Jesus, and because of her trust Jesus gives them the first sign of His holy presence.  It was so obvious that the disciples began to put their faith in Him. 
Signs as we all know, point to something - for those of us with eyes to see – these signs testify to something that is greater than we are - and it is that greater thing we are meant to grasp - not the miracle.  The first sign points to many things about Christ and about His relationship with us.   I would like to mention just three this morning.
First  - In turning water into wine,  Jesus takes what is and shows us that it has the possibility to become something else.  What can that do for us here today?   Well for those of us who might feel tired, worn out, devoid of joy, empty, or lacking in purpose  WE can be transformed by the power of His presence in our lives.   WE can be turned into something rich, fragrant, and ripe with the fullness of joy through His presence in our lives and through His care.   There is a lot of gospel in that for all of us.  Who doesn’t need his care, who doesn’t need his presence.  Jesus can bring new life, even to that which appears to us dead. 
Take Lazarus for instant.  He was dead for over three days yet still responded to the voice of Christ.  Hearing it he was able to walked out of his darkness back into the light where Christ reigns.   Can you grasp the power in these metaphors.   He can fill the emptiness in your life  - he can take whatever it is that we bring to him - no matter how little - or how much - and utterly remake it - giving to it a savor - a taste - beyond the best that the world is capable of providing.   TRUST IN CHRIST, HE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  
Second -  John notes that wine, not just new wine but the best of wine came from thirty-gallon jugs that were full of water,  think of it, because of his generosity the time for celebration had once again begun, not as it was but something much better.  Your new life awaits you, have you invited him in, what are you afraid of, what are you waiting for. 
Third - the Gospel story emphasizes the abundance of what Jesus can provide.  The wedding guests went from having no wine at all to having almost enough to swim in.  By putting your trust in Jesus you too can share in His generosity,  of an abundant life.  One in which the wine of life will be the best ever - your cup will always be full to overflowing.  Thus this miracle was a sign pointing to the prize, Jesus' is that prize.  He is the long-awaited deliverer of your life.   He is the one who will purify you and make the circumstances of your life palatable.   Jesus always provides more than is needed.  Isn’t that GREAT!!!!   

                                   “Jesus on the Main Line”

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