
Saturday 26 March 2016

"An Incredible Day"

Readings 1 Corinthians 15: 19-26 John 20: 1-18
The first Easter was an incredible day.  Jesus would prove that death is not the end.  That in death we actually enter a new womb, a womb of new birth where all physical, and emotional pain and suffering come to its end.  For Mary Madeline and the two disciples it started out with disbelief, fear, and bewilderment, as we heard in the reading this morning.   Just before arriving at the tomb, they had returned to the upper room, in fear for their lives.  I find something very peculiar about the first account of discovering the empty tomb?    Despite all Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and the disciples had seen Jesus do, from healing the sick, raising the dead, to calming the stormy seas, and despite all that he had said about His death and resurrection, after the cross was raised, no one really took him seriously or held on to any hope.   After he was laid in the grave, they never expected to see Jesus again.  Let us remember that these were people who were with him 24 hrs. a day for much of his 3 year journey to the cross.  Truly I believe, they though it is finished.  
You would have thought that one of them would have been curious and brave enough to go and watch near the tomb, to see if his words would come true.  In fact, as I studied the scriptures, I began to wonder if they took in anything, He had said to them.  When Jesus died their hopes seemed to have died too, their convictions grew dim, and indeed their faith seemed all but lost as they huddled in the upper room where they had just celebrated the Passover, hiding in fear that the authorities would treat them just as they had treated Jesus.  Did you notice that the resurrection is first discovered by a women, not by Peter, the rock who would later formed the church?  This women did not go the tomb to see if the Lord has risen, but rather she went with the hope of helping Jesus’ Mother clean and wash the body for proper burial.  Nicodemus and Joseph if you remember only placed the body in this tomb temporarily.    In the end, no one believed him nor his words even though they had seen his miracles and felt the touch of his wondrous compassion and love for all peoples.     
But for us, we know the “the rest of the story”, the part they didn’t.  It wasn’t finished, nor was He and some of us have encountered the risen Christ for ourselves.   We know what Jesus has accomplished for all who have or will believe in Him.  All who have accepted his offer of unconditional forgiveness, love and acceptance, have experienced God’s Amazing Grace in action.   Jesus seals this love offering with his physical death, manifested in our lives through those who believe in the resurrection.   
Here is where we need to pay close attention Folks, for we should never lose our hope in the promises of God.  We need to hold onto our trust in Jesus, our trust in God.  The convenient that was sealed on Good Friday is real for all who will believe.   
Yet, are we much different today because we know the whole story?  Doubt fills many who still do not understand Jesus’ mission.  We know what Jesus accomplished for the world and we know why He die, right!!! OR DO WE?    
Some of you don’t look convinced.  Where then are our Hallelujah’s today?    Or is it still incomprehensible for most of us, to accept this extraordinary love offering God brings to completion through the physical death of Jesus.   Because that is what Good Friday and Easter Sunday are really all about FOLKS!  It’s all about how much Jesus loves you and me.   Is it still too difficult to believe that we do not have to accomplish anything to receive this love?   That even the most evil deeds of my human nature can’t destroy the power of Jesus’ love for me and that Jesus’ love for me has no conditions.   It was always there, but it is now made visible, sealed with this extraordinary extravagant love act of unconditional forgiveness offered to us through the cross.  
Some people still say to me “But just a minute Sim!”  There must be something I’m missing for I truly don’t completely feel this love for me.  I believe in it, but I just don’t feel it.   What am I missing?   I’m sure there must be something, because it still eludes me.  I believe in His love but I still don’t feel this love.  I don’t understand this love.  This is a reality for many of us, but there is still hope folks. 
There are many of us who can honestly say they do not feel or understand this loved, “There are many of us who do not feel worthy no matter how much we accomplish, no matter how much compassion we show others or how hard we try to follow the straight a narrow path.   Many today still do not fully understand the cross, and His covenant, of unconditional forgiveness, “Father forgive them for them for they really do not know what they are doing”.  Folks many of us do not understand what we say or do at times but understanding is not a condition, you do not have to understand.  Those words from the cross "when accepted in faith" can take the lease off our bondage to wrong doing.  They are words that were meant for you personally.   Jesus isn’t holding anything back from anyone, his love and forgiveness are truly unconditional, no strings attached and He waits, no, He longs for you to just accept it. 
May I suggest that when we place conditions upon the love we want to share with others, the condition becomes the lease?  Jesus’ Love will never fail you, but love with conditions becomes love in chains and makes us feel unworthy, and unlovable to others.   Jesus offers that same love to anyone of us who will accept it and it will literally change your life forever!   Jesus destroyed the “if” in love with Easter and because we are an Easter People we need to learn to remove the “if” we placed on the love we share with our Lord, with our families, and with each other.    When you are able to touch and taste this love in your life if only for a moment, you will have lived in Him and He will have lived in you and you will know that you are loved.   This is the love that we all long to experience and it is the love that builds relationships, binds families and strengthens community.     A love freely given, you do not have to be worthy, nor do you have to understand.  God loves us because we are His.     ISN'T THAT INCREDIBLE!! 
                                          "Outrageous Love"

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