
Saturday 28 May 2016

"Atonement Or Love" Two Stories Where Do You Lean?

 Reading:  Genesis 1: 1-31  2: 1-25   3: & 4
Did you know that there have always been two different approaches to the creation stories in Genesis?  One follows a Greco {meaning Greek} Roman approach and the other follows a Love Story.  Many of us within the Christian church today have grown up with a mixture of both.   Let me try to explain the differences between the two approaches and how we came to believe in them.
1.  First let us look at the Greco Roman approach.   Within the Greek and Roman philosophy it was all about perfection, the perfect beginning, the perfect empire, the perfect place and of course the prefect people, two perfect beings made in Gods image, see Genesis 1: 26.   They looked at the story of creation and garden of Eden as a story of perfection.  Everything started from something that was perfect just the way God intended it  I guess the question we need to think about here might be this: where can you go from perfection?  Well, it appears from this approach that the first step from perfection was a step down and it was coined by the first Roman Church, as the FALL, see Genesis 2.    Here Sin enters into the story and becomes the first step in our decent into condemnation, as seen by the Greco Roman approach.   From here. our decent begins to get much darker.   We are expelled from Eden by an angered God, to a land outside the garden, where we will now have to begin to fend for ourselves as people of land and sea.  Genesis 3 tells us, because of their choice all generations will now have to face many hardships in life.   Disharmony continues to erupts within our human nature as we exercise our gift [or curse, verse 16] of free will.  This
disharmony often creating within us new feelings of greed, jealously, anger, lust, and selfishness as the ego begins to strip away our innocence.  In Genesis 4 we discover the first murder that occurs in our history, found in the story of Cane and Able.  The land now in which we are expelled to, instead of becoming another paradise or at least where the Kingdom of Heaven will begin, has become a killing field and the story goes on and on descending us further into a fallen, violent and sin filled world.  Now we are in need of a Savior.   Our lively hood extents from the land to the seas and eventually many of us become co-creators in competition with our God.   
In the Greco Roman approach,  God sees the need to save us form our decent into sin and damnation that holds the fires of hell.  Hence God sends us a Savior, His Son.  
In this approach there is a fear that many, literally hundreds of thousands yes even millions will have to spend eternity in a place called "Hell".  In the Greco Roman approach, salvation is achieved by only those who have been obedient to God’s will and have accepted Jesus to be their personal Savior.   In this approach only a chosen few will be saved for an eternal life in heaven with Jesus, and God.  
God is perceived to be reigning over us from the heavens, while God’s Son Jesus is here with us, some how connected or is God incarnate but yet fully human.   The Holy Spirit is sent by Jesus after his death and resurrection and it is the Holy Spirit who sustains and convicts us with truth until death and then judgment comes.  
Now I know this is a shorten version of the Greco Roman approach to the scriptures and there is much more to consider but I think you get the idea.  It is a story of descending from perfection into a sin-filled world, where we are the major players, and the cause of all sin.  An observation here might be that atonement is conditional and leaves many with the feelings of exclusion and or abandonment.  Only the saved will once again be return to a life of perfection, in that perfect place many call Heaven.   As an observer, I might ask the question:  Where is Gods unconditional love in this approach?  Now I must say here that for many this has become their perspective and who is to say that this is not "The right Perspective."   But, there is        another approach to consider, so lets take a look at it?  
2.  The second approach to Genesis is a Love Story. This approach gives us a perspective of ascending, not descending.   Not a fall into sin but the beginning of an assent from missing the mark {the true meaning of the Greek word Sin}, towards rescue, forgiveness, transformation and unconditional love.  In the Love Story,  God is a God of rescue, not an angry judgmental God.  Punishment and reward are part of the gift, the gift of free will.   It is a story of falling upwards rather the downwards.  Where God doesn't remain apart from us in paradise but comes out of the garden of Eden to be with us, not to judge us but to rescue us, to forgive and love us into a new life.  This perspective is a story of ascending, a story that doesn’t take us down but continually picks us up.  If you read the Old Testament through this lens you will see that it changes.  The Love story approach does not change any of the writing in scripture but sees creation and the garden stories much differently.
In this approach there is no fall into sin, because humans were created with a nature that is already flawed with curiosity and the gift of free will unleashes it.  God already knows our human ego will choose to eat from the tree of knowledge.  Our curious ego caused us to want God’s knowledge and wisdom in the garden and to want God’s powers for ourselves.  We want to be in control of things, it seems to be in our DNA, our gens as we demonstrate how we cannot just leave things alone.  But we were never made to be eternal Eden keepers.  If that were true there would never have been a forbidden tree in the middle of the garden.  In this perspective God gives us the gift of free will, a will of our own, and God will not intervene unless we willingly surrender our will for God’s will and way.   We are permitted to make the mistakes that will bring us to our knees and we will never surrender a sin until we have learn its lessons and begin to do what it has taught us.  NOT MY WILL but Thy will be done Lord is our prayer.  This gift of free will can be a curse at times as it comes with consequences, some good some bad. So in choosing we expelled ourselves from paradise and in the process called down upon ourselves judgement.   Was this all part of the plan and all things meant for good
In this approach God is no longer in paradise separate from us but can now be found within us, not to judge us, but to rescue us.  Thus we are given the greatest gift of all the Son of Man!  who will teach us the "WAY"  and offers us a life eternal.   
The movement in the Love story is not down, but up, it is not about condemnation and hell but about rescue, reconciliation, transformation, forgiveness and unconditional love, ascending towards a new life, a life birthed in Him.   John 3: 5   Jesus tells Nicodemus you must be born not only of water but born also of the spirit.  {a rebirth! Born Again!}
In this Love Story we don’t go back to the old life of perfection in heaven but ascend to a new life of love in a new heaven on a renewed earth as we become part of the Kingdom builders.  In fact the Love Story approach is not a story that starts with perfection but a God who begins to lovely create a world of good out of the chaotic cosmos.  “And God saw that it was good {all that has been made} ” the scriptures tells us.   
Hence we have the assent, the garden story coming out of chaos.  In fact its imperfection can be found in the center of the garden with its forbidden tree, temptation has already been created along with everything else. God doesn’t remain in the Garden but comes out of the Garden to be with us.  It is with love and compassion that God decides to dwell among us in the flesh,  as the Son, John 1: 14.   God becomes a visible presence in the human Jesus, teaching us how to live, love and how to die.   God in the flesh makes a convenient with all the children of the world on the day of His crucifixion in this the greatest of Love stories.  It is a convenient of unconditional LOVE and unconditional FORGIVENESS for all who would follow in "His WAY" and it comes via the very thing that was meant to destroy it, death on a cross.   Atonement as portrayed in the Greco Roman approach is not part of this story.  The Love Story sees the cross through a different lens, not as a conditional blood sacrifice but the full expression of Jesus' unconditional Love for all God children, a true love offering.  
But this love story doesn’t stop there for God sends His spirit the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth to guide and convict us until death, and invites us to become part of the Kingdom of Heaven, kingdom builders, right now, right here, in this present day for all eternity.   
Which approach do you lean to?    

                                                  "The Cosmic Christ"

Saturday 21 May 2016

"Trinity" The word is not in the Bible!

May 22, 2016 Readings: Psalm 8   Matthew 28: 16-20
Have you ever considered how important or significant the # 3 is in our society?   Just look at what comes in 3's.     
There are 3 acts of existence – birth, life, death.     Body, mind, and spirit, encompasses the physical, mental, and spiritual makeup of a human being. The combination of thought, word, and deed is triad of we humans experience, and we have been encouraged to live and act in faith, hope, and charity.
The 3 types of matter are:  animal, vegetable, and mineral.
H20 is made of 1 part Hydrogen, 2 parts Ox = Water, and comes in three forms, liquid, solid and vapor.  There are 3 primary colors which make it possible to create all the colors within the spectrum.  The triangle is know to be the strongest shape in the universe.
Our planet remain within: earth, sea, and sky.  According to the Egyptians the most powerful force in the universe is contained within the triangle which has its three points.  According to the Chinese culture, 3 is the perfect number.  There are numerous products created and sold under the 3: There is “Three in One Oil”.  Story: The Three Little Pigs, Song: “Rub a Dub Dub, Three Men In a Tub”. And then of course who cannot remember the hilarious show “The Three Stooges”   
As odd as it may sound the word trinity, which expresses for us a threesome, cannot be found within our Scripture, but there are many references to God in the form of three Godhead's.  The first sign of a plural being found in Genesis 1: 26 check it out!
We celebrate the first Sunday after Pentecost traditionally as Trinity Sunday.  It is the Sunday in which many clergy make an effort to explain the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It certainly doesn’t even hold a candle to the events of Christmas or Easter but let me give it my best shot.  Let hold on to the 3 entities of water   
We read in Matthew today one of the most common 3 Godhead phrases, where Jesus gives the disciples the great commission.   “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”   God has given Jesus authority over heaven and earth.  On the basis of that authority Jesus told his disciples to make more disciples as they teach, preached and baptized.   This has become the calling for clergy in the church all over the world.  Taking vows and offering ourselves as an instrument of that same authority, I offered myself in service to that same three in one, as did you in your baptism and so you are called to do the same.  Whether it is as a parent of a baptized child or as a consecrated adult.  We enter into and make vows to be of service to the three Godhead's and to our community of faith.  We are called to offer support for one another and to our neighbor in the wider world in time of need, sorrow, or in times of celebration.    Jesus’ last words were; we are to baptize in the name of the three, making the baptized new disciples and teaching the new converts to love and forgive in obedience to Christ’s teachings.    Jesus gives the people of that time, as with us today, the reassurance that He will be with us always, till the end of time in the form of the third Godhead the Holy Spirit.  This spirit will teach, lead and convict us with the truth.  Even though the word Trinity is not spoken outright, my perspective is that our scriptures affirm the reality of the Trinity.   Some people accuse theologians of making up the concept and reading it into scripture, but as we can see very clearly here the concept comes directly from the text, and I quote “let us make humans in our image”  Genesis 1: 26  or in commissioning his followers to baptize in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The best example I have encountered concerning how all three entities can be one is found in my favorite symbol H20, water.   Think about the power of water in it’s three forms. 
1. As Liquid:  When in the form of liquid water can be force through a nozzle under pressure and it can cut steal cleaner and more efficient than acetylene.   We know the wave action on the ocean and what it can do concerning erosion, during a storm, or as a flood.  All we need do is look at the news today to see the great power water has over us concerning our existence.   It controls life itself and is the talk of all nations.  It is the most precious commodity on the earth even more precious that all the gold or silver or minerals combined.  Without it we die. 
2. As Solid:  Now in its solid form, its physical form of ice, it can be shaped and used for fun to skate on during the winter months, it is used in medicine, and with its ability to expandable under cold, has be used to crack open solid rock, or split the thickest of metal pipes as it expands during freezing.   
3. As Vapor:  In its third state of vapor, steam, or moisture it sometimes is not always visible to the naked eye yet it can be used to sterilize, to clean, clean deeper and cleaner than any other form of cleansing.  Yet water no matter what we do to it, or in what form it appears to us, water will never leave us, and keeps re-appearing  in the  form of rain from the heavens, or morning dew that seemingly comes to us out of nowhere.  Nothing that we can do will remove it from creation, for life itself exists only because of it.    As water is to the planet, so God in three forms should be to the Christian and ultimately to humankind.   The Trinity sustains us, both now in the future, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God and the Son of man will never abandon us or leave us and will just re-appearing seemingly out of nowhere to nourish and guide us when we need it most.  As illustrated in the resurrection appearances by the Christ, to quench our thrust for life and for meaning.  That is why we as Christians are commissioned to go and make disciples and baptize in the name of the Trinity.   It is our work, it is our call we are to be stewards of the trinity and of creation itself.  The more of us who come to this understanding the more creation itself rejoices.  God has a plan for each and every one of us, and it’s not just to fend for ourselves, gain for our own pleasure and enjoyment, or to protect our little part of paradise, we must learn to take care of one another, teach by example and come together in community to worships and praise our God, it is necessary for a good and healthy life both now and in our future.  

               Jesus is Just Alright - The Doobie Brothers


Saturday 14 May 2016

"Are You Pentecostal"

                                   "Many shun the idea"
 How many of us here today celebrate birthdays not just with a card but with a party every year?  What is your celebration like?   Did you know that Pentecost is sometimes considered the churches birthday.  Anyone know why? Just for fun how do you think we should celebrate the birth of the Christian Church?   
June 8 2014 Readings Acts 2: 1-21,   John 14: 8-17
Today is Pentecost Sunday and usually we read the story of the tongues of fire that come upon the people, their hearts were set on fire and they began to speak in other languages.   Well, let me tell you another true Pentecost story this morning. 
It is a story about a well-known author and preacher by the name of Fred Craddock who was about to give a lecture to a theological class at Seminary.   Just before he began to lecture, one of the students stood up and said, "Before you speak, I need to know if you are Pentecostal?"  Now there is no reason to disclose the denomination of this preacher, but the room began to grow silent.     The student continued with his quiz right in front of everybody.  Craddock was totally caught off guard and so he said, "Do you mean do I belong to the Pentecostal Church?"  The student replied "No, I mean are you Pentecostal?" Craddock said, "Are you asking me if I am charismatic?"   “No” said the student “I am asking you if you are Pentecostal."  Craddock said, "Do you want to know if I speak in tongues?"  The student again replied, “No,   I want to know if you are Pentecostal."  Craddock said, "I sorry but I don't know what your question is."   The student then replied, "Obviously, you are not Pentecostal."  and at that, the student got up and left the lecture room.   

Now I ask you, what is it about the word Pentecostal that seems to through most main line church people into a frenzy?    What exactly are we talking about this morning?  I believe that most of us use the word Pentecost only as a noun, meaning to name a person, place or thing as being Pentecostal.  The scriptures on the other hand uses the word Pentecost as it was intended, as an adjective to describe “THE EVENT”, and this event, well, it radically changed the people who experienced this phenomenon.  People’s lives were changed and the early Christian church birthed a root.   That right folks, Pentecost becomes the birthday for the modern day Christian Church that would follow.  The people of Paul’s time would not have known Pentecostal as a noun, why, because that denomination did not yet exist, nor did any of the others.    
In spite of the fact that the church hasn’t grasped the full meaning of Pentecost, may I suggest that the word remain in our vocabulary as an adjective, not a noun?   Some of the denominations of the Christian Church may shun the word and find it difficult to think of Pentecostal only as an adjective.  But the word Pentecostal describes the Christian church as a whole not a specific denomination.  We are a Pentecostal people folks and “THE EVENT” is where we have our roots.  This event was then and still should be today, full of hope, excitement, newness, change and full of the spirit.   And so I ask you, are you ready to accept your Pentecostal roots?   And you thought your root was your denomination, such as Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, 
Baptist, Catholic, or Anglican,  didn’t you!!   As Paul Harvey would say: “Now you know the rest of the story”.   The Question we might ask here is:  “How do we keep this aliveness, this fire burning in our hearts, and the spirit moving within our lives and within our Church today”?   What must exit from us, around us, and through us, if we are to be truly to be a spirit fill people, a Pentecostal people?  May I suggest we need to consider these three points:
1, We are to be of one accord without fear:
The biggest fear all denominations have to face today is still no different than it was for the followers of the early church.  Many fear change because they think it may cause a loss of independence within their group, denomination or as a church point within a pastoral charge and it is a legitimate fear.  Now I know that this might be a hard pill for some to swallow but going it alone or by trying to stand alone, well, it’s just not very healthy nor is it wise in these trying times folks.  We need each other desperately.  Not just a denomination or a particular church, but we need to be as the scriptures tell us:   OF ONE MIND, ONE BODY, and ONE SPIRIT, united together in Christ.
When Pentecost comes to us, when the Spirit of the living Christ, the HOLY SPIRIT comes upon us as a church or as individuals, our eyes will be opened to growth, and we will no longer fear change but want to embrace it.
 2.  We are called not only to pray but turn our prayers into action: 
Want things to change in your life, or in the life of your church, then put your prayers into action.  If you pray for something don’t just stand around waiting for God to do something, look for your part, all prayer requires us to be active and present to our present condition.   You can’t change anyone else but if you change, everything around you will have no choice but to change with you.  This is great news for all aspects of your life if you have the ears to hear it, and the courage to become an active agent for change.   
3. We are to turn away from that which is holding us back: 
 What must exit from us, around us, and through us, if we are to be truly to be a spirit fill people?  One of the hardest things in live to do is to look at oneself and see that I am part of the problem.  It is so easy for us to see others and their problems, but what about us.  We need to accept our part in whatever the circumstances are surrounding our lives or the life of our church and turn away from anything that is holding us back.  Anything that holds you in bondage imprisons you, immobilizes you.  Here is a nugget for you.  As you begin to think differently, respond differently, and act differently others will not be able to respond to you in the same old way. 
A Zen spiritual master of contemplation, {meaning a master of the peace that passes all understanding} living in a small community is accused of fathering a child with a young lady.  The town fathers approach him with the accusations and insist that he provide a home and care for the newborn and the girl.  His only reply is:  “Is that so”.  He takes the girl in and during that year they begin to bond as a family.  The mother of the young girl finds out that the child was not fathered by the Monk but by a young neighborly boy.  The town fathers arrive at the Masters door once again only to tell him they are here to take away the child and the girl.  His only response is “Is that so”.  
So then if I were to change my attitude of responding to life's situations or persons within my life, others cannot respond to me in the same way either.   The Spiritual Master teaches his student this phrase "Is that so" to ward off aggressive responses on his own behalf, allowing the student to let it go.  Not an easy learning for the programmed soul.    When the spirit comes upon us as individuals or as a group, an example being the reading from Acts this morning, there will be those who resist but their lives will change folks, we will be refreshed and renewed, and transformed then we can move forward.  May the grace of God through the power of the Holy Spirit be upon you this day, I pray.     
                                          "Yes Lord Yes" 

Saturday 7 May 2016

" SURRENDER" A Hard Pill To Swollow"

Readings:  Acts 16: 16-34,  16-21, John 17:1-26

I know that we all come from a generation that frowned on the idea that you could speak out loud in church.  I don’t know about you but I was taught to speak only when spoken too?  Well, as you gotten to know me, I have change the rule, folks it’s OK to speak aloud in church.  So then let me ask you a question?   How many of us here today can remember specifically who it was that lead you to become involved in a church, and what were your circumstances at the time?  Would anyone like to share a little?     

I tell this story not to boast but to expose you to something that touched my spirit deeply.   The musical trio I once sang with was singing at a service in a United Church in Pugwash one summer Sunday morning.  During the service someone announced that a lady from the Sunset home had passed away.  Sunset is a home for the mentally challenged that is situated in Pugwash.  A women two rows back began to sob and cry aloud.  It was loud enough that it startled the congregation.  I turned and saw a young women in great distress so I got up from my pew and when to her, sat beside her and held her hand, she gently lay her head on my shoulder and the sobbing stopped.  At first I must say, I felt a little uncomfortable, but I stayed with her until the end of the service.    After the service was over I was told that she was one of the residences at Sunset, a church elder would go and pick her up and bring her to church on Sundays.   A day of so after the service I received a small post card in my mail box.  It wasn’t sign just said I saw Jesus in church today.  That post card had a profound effect on my person-hood and my faith.  I realized that day that there is something of God in all of us and that people are introduced to the risen Christ through us.   That was part of Jesus’ message found in the Gospel reading this morning. 

In the Acts reading, we have a lady who apparently has some insight into the future, she was a fortune teller.  Paul takes her ability seriously.   She has never met this traveling duo, but is telling everyone the truth about who He and Silas are.  She repeats it over and over again,  “these are servants of the Most High God,”   She has never meet the risen Christ  personally but something in her has, and it, her uncorrupted spirit  responds when Paul speaks His name.  “In the name of Jesus the Christ I command you, to come out of her”  At that moment the scripture indicates that the corrupted spirit recognizes the name and leaves her person.  I would like to suggest that this happened because she has encountered the power of the risen Christ through Paul.     
                                              Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Can you recall when it was that you first met the risen Christ?  If you can it might be a good time to stop and reflect on the circumstances surrounding your encounter.   
Next we here that Paul and Silas are beaten and thrown into prison and put into chains, for introducing the women to the risen Christ.  About midnight, as they are praying and singing hymns and with other prisoners listen in, a violent earthquake shakes open the cell doors, and the chains that held them in bondage fall away.  The jailer thinking the prisoners had escaped, in fear decides to take his own life.   Paul assures the jailer, do not kill yourself for we are all still here, no one has left.   The Jailer in turn shows Paul and Silas great compassion, invites them to his home where he and his whole family are baptized.   Through these men the Jailer and his family have met the risen Christ.   Again I ask the question:  Can you recall when it was that you first met the risen Christ.  What were the circumstances around your encounter?    

In the Gospel of John today, Jesus prays for himself first, then for those who have seen him and believed, then he has prayers for all those who will come to Him through the words and actions of believers.   They will meet Jesus through one another, they will see the risen Christ when acts of compassion, social justice, forgiveness and love are shared.   As in the stories shared earlier this morning.  Jesus prays that we might literally become united together in one faith, one Lord, one baptism, united in Christ.   This is the goal of “The Christ” for our world.  That we might become on people united by faith not religion.

An old seminary professor tells a story of how he ministered in a church that had a major fight over wood piles.  This church had a wood stove in the center of the sanctuary that heated the building.  Two groups that didn't get along with each other took turns stoking the fire and keeping it lit.  However, one group claimed that they were working harder and provided more wood.  As a result, both groups had separate wood piles.  A youth elder when reading the scripture one Sunday morning used his own version of the well-known text from Ephesians 4:5 "One faith, one Lord, one baptism, and two wood piles."   Not only in the church are we divided and splintered but many families struggle when it comes to unity, one for all, and all for one. 

Do you know the Song: "Bind us together Lord"   Bind us together Lord, Bind us together: With cords that cannot be broken. Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together, Bind us together with love:  There is only one God, There is only one King,  There is only one Body,  That is why we sing: Bind us together Lord.
One of the cords that can bind us in this unity is the cord of surrender.   BUT!!  if we are told to surrender, and that this is the only true way to freedom and unity, many of us reject that cord.  I will give you a good example: just try telling to family or a newly married couple that Spirit-Guided Relationships only really occur when we submit to one another out of reverence for Christ Ephesians 5:21    .  Try telling that to members of a hockey team, an enterprising business man or women, or a group of war veterans.  Folks!! We are conditioned not to surrender.  A colleague of mine recounts sitting around a table at a local legion with some veterans who served in the first and second world wars.  They were having a heated discussion about the idea of surrendering.   Surrender was out of the question for a vet.  Why to surrender was to give up, to be stripped of your freedoms, thrown into a prison camp, or worse you could be shot.   They were quite convinced that God would never have meant for them to surrender.    Many civilians have a negative feeling and outlook when it comes to the word surrender.   Our human logic and nature tend to see surrendering as failure, weakness, or loss of self-control.  So when we hear passages like Ephesians 5: 22 wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  For many this scripture, well, it is just not palatable because of the abuse may have faced.    Yet we can imagine a world where we submit to serve one another in reference and in respect of one another.  Where everyone’s concern is always for the other.  That no one would be without a servant to fill their needs.  That is what Jesus is praying for, that we, the believers, might become the example to show people the risen Christ.  So people will come to Him and surrender their lives to Him, that we might become one in Him as He is one with the Father.   This my friends, would be heaven on earth, a world of people serving one another.  No more hunger, war, fighting, killing or bickering, a place where the Lyon and Lamb lie down together united, one in Christ.   So I say to you today submit your life to Christ, become the example and help change the world forever.        
                                             “I Surrender All"