
Sunday 26 June 2016

"Freedom From Religion" Looking For It?

"Freedom From Religion"
                                                  Galatians 5: 1- 25 
Question:  How many Church and non-Church going folk today feel as though they are being stymied, strangled or outcast by their own denominational rules, regulation and dogma?   Dogma meaning a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority, {religion in this case} as incontrovertibly true.  
A modern day Parable: 
A Spiritual Master walking along a dusty road side is instructing one of his students concerning some of the rules around being with and interacting with women.  “As a Spiritual Guide you never look directly into the eyes of a women or physically touch her” he explains, “because it may bring to mind passions that have the power to develop sin in your life”.   Just then a down pour of rain causes the ditch along the side of the road to overflow with water.  Stuck on the other side of the ditch is a women hollering for help because she is caught off guard and unable to move.  The Master trudges through the water to the other side, picks up the women in his arms and brings her safely to the other side.  He looked straight into her eyes with compassion and assured her everything would be alright.  Then he and student continued along the roadside.  The student one half hour later perplexed by his Masters actions could no longer contain himself and so asked the question: “Master you broke a cardinal rule back there, I do not understand.”  “Oh yes” said the Master “I forgot to tell you!! There are no rules when responding to a call for compassion, or to show love of neighbor to do for others as you would have them do for you for,   You see Love never fails.” 

Psalm 77 and Galatians 5: 1- 25 
Folks, within Paul’s letters to the Galatian Church you will find the charter of Christian freedom that so many of us are seeking today.  Circumcision was a symbol of having the right background and doing everything required by the Jewish religion.  If a person were counting on finding favor with God by being circumcised he would also have to obey the rest of God’s laws completely and there was a whopping total of 613 of them.  Paul was trying desperately to teach that Jesus died to set them free from their religious bondage.  Not to confuse that with just being able to do any old thing that they wanted, for that would lead them to completely miss the mark.  Freedom from this kind of slavery could only be reached by trusting in the grace of God, not by following a corporate style set of Laws, rituals or regulations.  It was then and still is today, salvation is by God’s grace not by what we say or do.    
Many of us are being held in what appears to be some sort of bondage to a Christian Church that is more corporate than Gospel.  Mega Churches rely on slick theatrical TV presentations to attract their followers.  You must say the words, be baptized or even more dramatic you have to be slain by the spirit to receive the gift of God’s grace of salvation.  The small rural churches have not escaped the misconception that works saves either. Their form of bondage is trying to maintain out dated church buildings and follow corporate style church policies and rules that keep them from God mercy and grace wondering why their numbers are dwindle down to bare bones.   We are in changing times folks. 
 Here is their situation in the Church then and I ask you to compare it to our reality today within the church. 
Most of the first converts and early leaders in the church were Jewish first, then they converted to Christianity proclaiming Jesus as their Messiah.  As Jewish Christians, they struggled with a dual identity.  In other words, people carried into their new found faith some baggage from their original family home and their religious training.  Sound familiar, are we not still there folks? 
Their Jewishness constrained them to be strict followers of the law but these rules often contradicted the holy freedom Christ was inviting them to celebrate.  The difficulty was that this "radical compassion and Love Christ was showing us" was not bound to laws or rituals because it had no boundaries.   They struggled with the idea of how the Gentiles who were non-Jews could be acceptable candidates for the Kingdom of Heaven.   
Our Question for us here might be this:  Who is it that we look down upon as non-acceptable candidates for the Kingdom today.  What minorities are being discriminated against by the so called saved and how does this fit within the teachings of our Master?    
You see just the thought that someone is not acceptable goes completely against the radical love and compassion we are to embrace.  For it is within this radical love and compassion that our freedom from religion can be found folks.    
It is often the of baggage traditional church, its rituals, not conforming to or being an outsider that created bickering and in-fighting among the faithful and is this not still going on in our churches today?  Here we may find another clue that keeps religious freedom from getting to them and to us in the church today.   Keeping with tradition, following the church rules of law, its rituals, and by ignoring the newcomer, would form clicks, not community by the narrowness of their thinking.  Bickering, infighting and the upholding of old traditions within church going folk today is very common for most religions and does not help us to build a healthy community of faith either.  In fact if we were to look real closely we would probably find one of the major reason why newcomers tend to shy away after a very short period of attending, especially if they see this kind of behavior within its members.  
Now folks you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see this same struggle happening today within the church.  It is as though we haven’t really gone very far from where the apple fell.   The congregants of today struggle with denominational identify which has its rules, rituals and dogma.  We often fight and picker among ourselves as to what rule applies where, who fits in and of course who’s out.  On one hand we want the freedom to worship and invite newcomers but what they see is a turn off because our churches seem to be more corporate than community.  Most denominations require you to become a registered member to fit in properly and leaders must be properly educated with the proper status in order to lead.  With policies that restrict the spirits movement within the church how do we embrace the changes that are necessary to become free to show this radical love and hospitality to the community as a whole. 
Religious freedom seekers of today who want to follow the teachings of the Master are often being held in bondage seemingly by what appears to be corporate denominational laws, rules or regulations.   
These letters by Paul were not just meant for his time but resonate with all who are struggling for religious freedom and true salvation today.   It certainly seems that we have not gone far from the early traditions as many seeking freedom from Religion seems to be stymied, strangled or controlled by buildings, denominational rules, regulations and church dogma.   As in the parable this morning, it appears that we too were not told or at least we didn’t listen because there are no rules that should prevent us from responding to God's call for justice, compassion, and love of self and neighbor.  If we look closely within the Gospel and the writings of Paul, we will see that Paul letters to the Galatians church proclaims that the reality of their freedom and liberty could only be found in Christ Jesus.  Paul proclaims that religious freedom can only be found when we are freed from our bondage to Church membership laws, the rituals of the tradition and the power of corporate sin.  Being set free we can now serve this radical hospitality of compassion and love shown to us by the birth, life, teachings and death of our Master.   So what is Paul really saying here folks?   May I suggest that the Love of Christ and the freedom it offers has no Religion?  In fact unconditional Love is not a religion it is a way of life and there are no rules that caution you to rethink God’s love.  Love with rules is conditional and the love you seek, the love of God through Christ is unconditional.   Human love as hard as we try to keep the conditions out it seems to us almost impossible.  God’s love on the other hand is totally and completely free of conditions. In fact that is what true salvation is all about, you surrendering to the love of God.  That is why with God’s love in you, around you, and through you, if you truly accept it, you will be able to love your enemy, you will love those who hurt or persecute you, and yes, even those who would kill you.  Love you see, breaks all the rules just as it did in the parable at the first of my message. 

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