
Sunday 10 July 2016

"The Miracle of Light"

John 11: 19 Jesus said, “A day has twelve hours, doesn't it? So those who walk in broad daylight do not stumble, for they see the light of this world.

“Miracle of the Light”
Let me tell you this modern day parable that holds within it a spiritual truth.  It was in the late 50’s and there was a mining disaster in a small community in eastern Canada.  Twelve men were trapped 1200 feet below the surface.  For 12 days, they had little or no food and the water had run out. There were no signs of hope for them ever being found. It was as though they were sealed in their own tomb. 
Coal Miners always took with them a little extra food in their lunch can when they went to work in the mine to feed the pit rates who roamed throughout the mine at the many shaft levels.  The food keep the rats from bothering the miners as worked thought-out the day.  After the bump happened and most of mine had collapsed the rats were trapped also, no food could be spared to satisfy them.  The rats, being hungry became restless and the trapped miners, now without light, couldn’t see them but could felt them as they ran over their legs or tried nibbling at their hands in the dark as they sat or lay on the ground.  Without food, water and light, the mines darkness was darker than anything they had ever experienced in their lives before and the fear was overwhelming at times.  One of the miners known as the singing miner began to sing hymns.  The singing, even for the non-believers, gave the men a moment of relief.  It was in that moment that one miner lifted his head in praise to God and to his astonishment a tiny white dot appeared before his vision. At first he rubbed his eyes thinking it wasn’t really there.  But it didn’t go away.  Could it possibly be a glimmer of light he though, piercing threw the darkness.  Crawling on hand and knees towards it, he ran into a wall of fallen rock.  His eye still fixed on this tiny glimmer.  It was light and it was coming through the wall.  As he scratched and moved rock with his hand the light grew bit by bit and the darkness was dispelled, all twelve were rescued that day.  They were alive again and living in the light with hope.  The Light had come into their world and their darkness was dispelled.   

Maybe your life seems in a pit of darkness these days.  May be that is why you have been guided to this message, looking for the light to come into your life.   Maybe you are afraid of the worldly rats of this life who are nibbling away at your existence leaving you with loneliness, shame, guilt, anger and all those things that the darkness can fill you with.  Well folks who do we know to be the light of this world?

John 8: 12 Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. “I am the light of the world,” he said. “Whoever follows me will have the light of life and will never walk in darkness.”
2 Corinthians 4: 4 They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world.  He keeps them from
seeing the light shining on them, the light that comes from the Good News about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

                                 " I Am The Light Of The World" 

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