
Saturday 19 November 2016

"Forgive! How Can I?"

Question:  How many of us struggle with extending forgiveness in extreme cases. What sin would you find the hardest to forgive and why? 

Nov 20, 2016: Colossians 1: 11-20    Luke 23: 33-43

The statement that we hear Jesus make in verse 43 this morning must have been profoundly touching to the criminal but what about all the others within earshot, especially those who may have been victimized in some way by this criminal?  “I tell you the truth, today, you will be with me in Paradise” said Jesus.  What about you and I, how do we feel about Christ’s, acceptance of this confessed criminal, is it touching for us or do we struggle with Christ’s decision.  Do we really understand the implications of what Jesus has said and what he has done for this convicted and confessed man.    There is nothing in scripture to let us in on who this fellow really was.  No one knows what else is hidden in his sinful background for we are not told.  He might have been a wife beater or a child molester, a notorious murderous gangster may be, we just don’t know.   It would seem that in the blink of an eye, whatever sins were there, they are now gone, forgiven and the gates of paradise are wide open for this fellow.  Forgiveness might not be so easy to do for a woman who is standing in front of this man who just happens to be the rapist of her daughter, the murder of her son, or the leader of a notorious terrorists group who has condemned thousands to death with just the words from his mouth.   But for this thief, whomever or whatever he was, Christ must have caused sheer unadulterated ecstasy- unspeakable JOY at least for him.   Jesus last words to another human being before his death and resurrection were words of forgiveness, which gives us a clue to how we too must die.  This would have been in perfect harmony with his short life and ministry.  He spent his whole life teaching about and looking for those whom would help him build God’s KINGDOM come.   He preached liberation to the captives, healing the sick and lamb and offered forgiveness of sin.   His teachings had so confused the status quo of his day, the political keepers of the law and the elders of his Jewish religion, that he was deemed a threat to their faith and their way of life.   His ministry had been controversial, powerful, and world altering to the point that to those whom he threatened, would  condemn him to death by crucifixion.   Blinded by their egos and self-righteousness they would not truly comprehend what they had done, nor would they comprehend or understand Jesus’ convenient of unconditional love and forgiveness for all.   Jesus loved the other criminal just as much as the one forgiven, but, by refusing to acknowledge Him as Lord over life and death and to accept his love, may I suggest, this man calls down upon himself his own judgment and condemnation.    Jesus offered everyone, both then and now His convenient of unconditional love and forgiveness with these words from the cross “ Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do” Can you imagine the depth of a love that would utter these words.    Folks, these words were spoken for you and me.  For we all truly do not understand the implications of what we do, be it good or bad.  We often hear comments and see the folly coming from our Christian bothers and sisters but how clearly do we see our own.    Can I offer the love and forgiveness of my Lord to myself and then offer it to others as commanded?  And if I cannot, do I realize what I am excluding myself from.   Do I understand that I will be judged as I have judged others and that I will receive not, that which I could not give?   Jesus doesn’t tell us what day is our day but He illustrates for us that acceptance and repentance is the key to his heart.   Who among us then, is worthy of God’s Amazing GRACE!!   WE ALL ARE!!  now isn't that great!!  Come on sing with me the first two verses of our song, Amazing Grace.   Let us never forget that we are more like the two who hung next to Jesus than we are like Jesus.    
We do not know what happened to the other criminal, the one who, rather than asking for mercy, rebuked Jesus.  Yet be careful here folks, for we shall be judged as we judge.  We do not control GRACE, God is the source of GRACE and He gives to whom ever He wishes, in what ever portion He sees fit.   This kind of forgiveness is not about forgetting, it is about cutting the tether that keeps us in bondage to the memory. This kind of forgiveness is a challenging notion for many of us.   Part of our inability to believe and trust in the forgiving power of God’s grace and mercy, is our inability to believe that certain other people deserve it.   Did you hear that!! Lets hear it again!!  Part of our inability to believe and trust in the forgiving power of God’s grace and mercy, is our inability to believe that certain other people deserve it.   We cannot hijack God’s Grace.

As Christians we have a confessional faith.  Not because we are weak, but because God is strong and His love is unending.   We have a confessional faith because Gods grace is sufficient for all, no one is excluded.  We have a confessional faith because God is our refuges and our strength.  We confess because we are people of the way, the way of Christ and as followers of His way we are a forgiven people folks.   All have sinned and fallen short, all have angered, frustrated and disappointed God.  But God so loved the world that who so ever believes in His Son's love shall get all the grace they need.  Jesus spent his entire ministry teaching and preaching about the Kingdom of God.  Want to be one of the Kingdom builders?  One of Jesus last forgiving acts on earth was to proclaim that a repentant sinner would be with him that very day in paradise.  OH PRAISE GOD there is room for ALL!!!!!   

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