
Thursday 21 September 2017

" Born Again" Whats up here?

                                What does being born again mean!  

A man cannot re-enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time.   No Jesus said you must be born of water {mother’s womb} and then you must be born of the Holy Spirit.  This is a spiritual re-birth an encounter with the Spirit of God that opens yours eyes to the illusions of this world and gives you new eyes, a new mind and a new heart of compassion.  When this happens the spirit tells you the truth about Jesus “The Christ.”  Not what your church Sunday school has told you, but a much deeper truth that goes right back to the creation of the universe.  At its core, this re-birth is about truth not salvation. For we know that Jesus tells us that it is the truth that sets a man or women free from the fear of living and dying. Now may I suggest that this is truly what it means to be saved.  
 A foot Note: The new testament was written in Greek not English and the word used was "anagennesas" meaning "Born From Above" quite different than the English words Born Again, which by the way has been misused, does that help?

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