
Saturday 14 October 2017

"The Kingdom Of God Is A Party"

When you hear the words the Kingdom of God, what images come to mind for you? 
When you hear the words the Kingdom of Heaven do the images change?
The phrase “kingdom of God” occurs 68 times in 10 different New Testament books, while “kingdom of heaven” occurs only 32 times, and only in the Gospel of Matthew.

Oct 15 2017 Matthew 22: 1-14
Jesus uses the parable of the wedding feast to give us a glimpse into the reign of the New Kingdom, the Kingdom of God or as referred to in this story as the writer Matthew accounts Jesus  saying:  Kingdom of Heaven is like this.
The listeners, not just those who heard Jesus speak but we who are now reading and hearing this parable today also have an invitation to join the wedding feast.  If you have not read the book entitled “The Kingdom Of God Is A Party”  written by Rev. Dr.  Tony Campolo may I suggest you take the time.  Find it at your local library or on line and give it a read?  It will open the pours of your soul that allow true joy to come to the surface, rejoicing will be the result!!   The party is near and it is happening right now in our time, amidst all of the kayos of this worldly kingdom we live in.  Jesus uses the metaphor of a wedding feast, to illustrate a The Kingdom of Heaven.  The party is ongoing, because it is in celebration of all those who have accept the Masters invitation to be part of the feast.    May I suggest that Jesus points out "for us" using the metaphor, that most invitees today reject the idea of a New Kingdom to replace the worldly one we are so comfortable with, mainly because we simply do not like change?  We find comfort and some sort of acceptance even though our worldly kingdom is falling apart right before our eyes.  You know the old saying: "we are going to Hell in a hand basket."   In the story those invited become complacent, ignoring the invitation, others become hostile.  There hostility turn into a killing spree of the messengers.  As we examine more closely the reflection of what has happened here, we can see the Gospel story being played out can’t we.  In the gospel story one of the messengers killed would be John the Baptist.  John preaching the message of the coming messiah literally loses his head over the message as he extends the invitation.  Jesus knows His life will end shortly upon a cross and still later, He also knows all of his apostles who carried the message and extended the invitation will be killed.   Here we can clearly see Jesus is telling his listener not only about the then and know, but is also telling them about their future, our future!!
In the parable and in Dr. Compolo’s book, the festive party is used to illustrate to us an entry point into this New Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.  Which by the way Jesus tells us is at hand.  Mark 1: 15.  Why then are so many of us not heeding his words and taking him up on his invitation?  The celebration truly is then, for all those who have accepted His words and His invitation.  Once you do, the truth about the Kingdom of God will begin to come shining through for you.

Gradually you will recognize that God and Jesus are one within each other.  “I am in the father and the father is in me.” John 14: 11 One with each other does not mean one replaces the other.  Jesus “The Christ”, is a visible reflection and the presence of God in our world but also makes it very clear that He does not take His Fathers place within the Trinity.   John 4: 34, 6:38, 7:16, 12:49,  Luke 22:42.    Jesus is the same as God but the Father remains as God. The truth is, that they remain one with each other.  John 14: 10.
When counselling couples for marriage, I would sometime interject some humor with this quote”  “In marriage you will be joined together and become one.  Now that is usually where your troubles will really begin!  Why?  Trying to decide which one of you, you will become!  Now think about that for a moment folks.  A marriage would be destroyed in the end if one were to give up their personal identity to become a clone of the other?  And so it is with God and Jesus, neither replaces the other but become one with each other.  Therefore the unconditional love, respect, loyalty, compassion joy and truth that is shared one to the other is the same!
This is so important to understand that the love Jesus and God share with us are the same. It is not like the human love we share with it hidden conditions, but a love that is totally and completely unconditional for everyone who accept it.  It is the reason for the party folks!!!  It is a love feast, a wedding feast where God and Jesus’ love is wedded with you.  May I suggest that if you are feeling unloved you have not yet accepted the invitation. You do not need another person or a gift from another person to know this most profound truth.  You either have it, or you’re still looking for it. And if so, then be persistent, continue your quest, for you will find it.  “Seek and ye shall find knock and the door will be opened, ask and it shall be given and love will come tumbling down.

Every one of us here today has been invited by God to meet Him and His Son, and to enjoy His wedding banquet.  I know that when I am down, when I am feeling lost in my own tiredness, troubles or fears and someone reminds me that God cares for me, that God is near to me, I can't hold on to those feelings. 
When I really think about it -  when I am reminded by someone that Gods love is for me, or when I begin to think about what Jesus has done for me, I am moved towards joy.  I begin to rejoice. I can see the Kingdom of God is a party folks!!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say Rejoice!
That is a part of the clothing we can wear to the wedding banquet.  Nothing shines or looks as good as rejoicing; and nothing is quite as infectious as rejoicing.  Knowing that God is near, Paul then goes on and says:  Philippians 4: 6-7    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Let us Pray. 

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