
Saturday 9 December 2017

" The Second Week In Our New Year"

Isaiah the Prophet 600 years before the prophecy is fulfilled he proclaims in chapter 9 verse 6 of his writings:
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

 In the world you live in what does the word Peace mean for you?
The Hebrew word for peace is “Shalom” Anyone know its full meaning

Hebrew words often go far beyond our English interpretations. Each Hebrew word conveys feeling, intent and emotion. Shalom is more than just simply peace as we would say it in English; it is a complete peace. It is a feeling of contentment, completeness, wholeness, of well-being and harmony. “Shalom”

I want you to keep this passage in mind as we discuss today readings:  In “John 14:27  27 “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does.”    

Dec 7 2014  Psalm 85 2 Peter 3: 8-15 Mark 1: 1-8
 Last Sunday we took a look at the Hope Advent 1 offers us.  Advent is the season to revisit, reflect, and marvel at the prophecy and the miracle that came to us as a babe in the manger, and the reasons for His coming.  One of the reasons was to give us hope and that hope resides in the fulfillment of a prophecy yet to happen, just as it was for our Jewish ancestors.  The arrival of the Christ child was the fulfillment as promised, a Messiah for the Jewish nation, truly the Prince of Peace.  The Messiah was to be their hope that would save them from the oppression and domination of the Roman Empire.   Our hope also lay within prophecy.  It is the promise that Jesus will return, however that might occur and free us from our bondage to a modern day worldly Empire that is clearly running out of control.  We can see how this worldly Empire works in today’s world economy, within corporations, in governments, and religious groups and it’s not pretty folks.  Often you will find at their core, the Savior Syndrome.  People start with good intentions I’m sure, but as these tribal groups become institutions by gaining more and more power and control, they begin to see themselves the almighty authority. Those who want to lead us often portray themselves as masters of the turnaround.  In their minds, nothing good happens until “THEY” get to lead us, for they hold the truth.  Their promise is always that they can turn around the general incompetence of their competition.  The unspoken word is that they alone can SAVE us, and bring order out of our kayos.   Now I ask you to think about that folks, we see it dictatorships, it is there in democratic governments, it is in the church, you can even find it within ordinary folk,  and their lack of good sense is,  I know the truth and the way, trust me, I’m here to save you.    Jesus cautions us, there will be many a wolf in sheep’s clothing claiming to be your Shepherd.  Mark 13: 6.  I don’t know about you but it’s extremely easy for me to become prideful, allow my ego to rule, or to try and hide my predigests.  Are we not all venerable to these common human flaws?   John the Baptist admitted, I am not the way nor do to I claim to be your savior, I am his servant sent to prepare for His coming.   We today, who claim to be his followers, are called to prepare the way for Jesus’ return.  In fact, I believe that this is the complete essence of Advent.  We, the faithful, are to prepare the way for others, and it is not to the malls folks, but to the manger where our hope for a new world order really lay.      
That leads us to the Second gift in Advent, the gift of Peace and it asks us to consider a question.   Jesus said “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you.  I do not give it as the world does.”  John 14: 27.  What is He telling us here?  I always thought I knew what peace meant, but Jesus claims that His peace is different from our understanding of peace, He claims it is a peace the world does not know.  So, may I suggest that we begin with the peace we do know?   After war or conflict our leaders make peace, right, but the peace has never lasted, why? Can anyone help me out here ---WHY?  {Discussion time}   Now I don’t know about you but in my own personal family, and in the many church families I have been a part of, there were many attempts to make peace but again it never lasted for long, something or someone always broke the peace.  Has that been your experience here on the Island too?   Are you with me Church!!!    There have been peace packs made with aboriginal peoples all over this world, but they too have not lasted?  WHY?  I think your getting the picture folks.  It would appear that we are incapable of bringing to the world a lasting peace on our own.  The peace we offer is somehow tainted, flawed or incomplete.  I think it is because we humans hold tight to our pride, often it is our ego that rules, and our jealously and predigests are often hidden and if we were honest with ourselves, you could probably add a few more flaws of the flesh to the list.   Now if I were to get stuck there, if I don’t grow by feeding on the word of God, I would be left with regret and despair, confusion and kayos.  But FOLKS the first gift we are offer in Advent, is the gift of HOPE.  With Jesus as our mentor there is always HOPE for change and a new beginning.  Let us not forget the prophecy that was written in Malachi 3:1 and fulfilled by God, that one of us would prepare the way for the Messiah, his name would be John the Baptist.   He would prepare the way for the Prince of Peace who offers His own peace, not to the world but first to the lowly shepherds and now to you.   It is an inner peace that can put out the fires of pride, ego, jealously, predigest, hatred, revenge.  It truly is an everlasting inner peace that the world cannot understanding, it opens the door so you can truly forgive your enemies.   If you haven’t accepted it for yourself first, how then, can you expect to show Jesus'  peace to your family, a neighbor or to the world?  For we cannot give to the world something we ourselves have not yet received.  If you don’t feel this inner peace yet, do not despair, keep doing good, for God is still seeking you, God wants you to receive all the Advent gifts.  That is why we get to celebrate Christmas over and over again. God doesn’t give up on us folks, God is persistent in the rescue of His children to the end of the ages our scriptures tell us.  Trust in Him, surrender to Him and embrace the prophecy for it will come to pass.       
 For those of us who have already begun to surrendered our pride, our ego, our religion, jealously, and our predigests we have a responsibility, to share what we have received from Bethlehem and bring Jesus’ Hope, Peace Joy and Love to the world.     Jesus said “ My peace I give to you” not to the world, but to you personally.   After you have accepted His offer you won’t have to tell others with words, Oh no, they will see it your contentment and your compassionate acts of love for your neighbor.   “Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God”.     Jesus is telling us: “I am the Lord of Peace the only source for genuine Peace.  I give you this gift, not as something separate from Myself, but as part of who I am.”  You cannot just grab this blessing on the run folks.   You need to set aside time for focusing on Jesus and enjoying His Presence.  There you will begin to understand this gift He offers.

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