
Saturday 10 February 2018

"Transfiguration Sunday"

 The logical way to discern truth using your mind is get the facts straight right?
Why is it then, that this kind of thinking doesn't work the same with faith? 
Well I hope that this story  from the Gospel of Mark will give us a clue!

The Mysterious and miraculous stories of the Bible, where do you Stand?
Today I am going to try and offer you something that many might only learn through personal research on the internet, a bible study group or if you became involved in a theological class of study at one point in your life.  It is a well-known fact that many church going folks have never gone to seminary and many have never regularly attended a progressive weekly bible study group over the years.  Another known fact is this; many of the non-church-ed, through personal interest and research on the internet have become very educated in spirituality and theology.  Often more so than those who attend a regular Sunday morning worship service.  

To get a good grasp of the reading from the gospel of Mark today we first need to hear from Colossians 1: 15-18 these verses are called “The Supremacy of the Son of God”
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.  Here we need to remember that the early followers did not understand the resurrection .  In fact when Jesus tries to tell them about his death on the cross, they don’t understand what he is talking about let alone believe it.  On the other hand. we know the complete story of His life and death and believe him, so for us, these verses are very important and will help us understand the significance of transfiguration story.   The writer of Colossians describes Jesus as the head of the church, the ruler over all creation, He is Lord of lords and King of kings.  Everything that was made was made for and through Him.  The realm of Christ’s reign covers everything that happens in heaven and on the earth.  No one, not even those who deny His existence can be free of His rule or outside His sphere of love and authority for He is both “Lord of the Living and of the Dead.”  Hold onto those thoughts as you hear the transfiguration story. 
The transfiguration story can be found in three of the Gospels.  Matthew 17 and Mark 9 and Luke 9.  Why John didn’t write about it is also a mystery.  This is one of those stories that would bring up the conversation, fact or fiction because the miraculous is clearly front and center here.  But, we are not trying to prove the story as fact,  what we need to do is to be looking for gold, we should be always mining the scriptures for a truth that we can take home personally.  A key to comprehending this story’s significance can also be found in the verse just prior to the account of the transfiguration and you will find this same verse in all three gospels accounts.  Jesus spoke these words 6 days before these three men are led up the mountain by Jesus.    
 In Mark it is the 1st verse of chapter 9, and I quote it:   And He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of God present with power.”    

Shortly after, 6 days this scripture said, Jesus takes Peter, James and John up to a mountain top.  There, Jesus is transfigured.  They no longer see just the physical Jesus, but a shining white light transforms Him into something greater, something greater than just a physical being.   This transformation is just for a moment and seems to take them to another place and time.  This place and time is visible to Peter, James and John and includes two of the most significant figures from the Old Testament who are dead, yet they to are present to this experience.   We have Peter, James and John, the living and Moses and Elijah who have long passed on.  No one know for sure what these men were getting a glimpse of.   Was it heaven or was it a dimension in space and time somewhere between life and death?  All we know for sure is that both the living and the dead find themselves in the presence of "Jesus" and what He had said prior to the event has now become a reality. Mark 9: 1.   In this place both the living and the dead are able to see Jesus in His glory and in His power just as He said.  This story is not about facts, it’s all about the truth, a truth that can only be believed by the faithful whose faith is overflowing with hope, and the assurance that Jesus is Lord of both the living and the dead.  Let the faithful be reminded by Romans 14: 8.   If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.  And again from Isaiah 26: 19.    But those who die in the Lord will live; their bodies will rise again!  Those who sleep in the earth will rise up and sing for joy! For your life-giving light will fall like dew on your people in the place of the dead!    Isn't faith great!!    Thanks be to God.   

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