
Sunday 21 July 2019

"Don't You Know Your Place"

July 21, 2019    Luke 10: 38-42
The story of Mary and Martha can be interpreted in many ways.  One in particular looks from the perspective of who was right and who was wrong in this situation.  Making a judgement call on what is wrong and what is right is not always that easy.  Especially when it involves a person who has been nurtured in a particular culture.  Wright and wrong is often determined by culture or your ethnic background and because of this we often do not see things in the same context as others.  
Burping or belching at the dinner table is not something we are taught to do.  In fact most would probably say it’s terrible and improper.  Does anyone know where belching or burping after a meal is considered a complement to the host?  Egypt, Afghanistan, and Saudi Aribia.  In some circles it is considered an insult to the host if you don’t burp. 
Canadians are taught it is disrespectful to eat at the dinner table using your hands, but in India it is their custom.   Now If you ever do eat with your hands in India or at an Indian restaurant, make sure to use just your right hand—never the left, which is considered unclean.  The Modern day Jewish community do no longer follow all 613 customary laws.  248 were do’s, and 365 were do nots.  Today only 126 of the do’s are currently applicable and only 243 of the do nots are still applicable. Man continues to change his rules of right and wrong as we go but God has never changed. Hebrews 13: 8
Martha thinks it is quite clear as to what is right and what is wrong in this situation for Mary. So she asks Jesus to speak to Mary, but Jesus only points out to Martha that Mary has chosen something better.   A key to this stories insight is found in what Mary has chosen. She has Chosen something better.   Jesus also illustrates for us that it is not easy in life to choose something better?   What is that is not working well for you in your life right now?   Now you do not have to answer my question directly, but may I suggest that we all have often chosen the school of hard knocks before we begin to choose something better.   

A modern day Mary night be accused of skipping out of her duties, just sitting around while her sister did all the hospitality work.   Others might see Martha as overbearing and bossy, wanting to control the situation by laying a guilt tip on Mary,  Besides didn’t Mary know her place!!    Have you ever had those words directed at you before?  Maybe not in words but  I have had the stare from father or my mom and I knew exactly what that meant.  Don’t you know your place Simpson?    Doesn’t Mary understand the traditions of her cultures here?

We all know that even today in certain parts of the world, women can be excommunicated, imprisoned, executed, or even stoned to death for trying to exercise their human rights to education and a working life.  Many in the west still think that women should know their place in society.   So what is wrong, the culture, the teachings, or is it that we just do not understand that we are all equal in the eyes of our creator, there is no longer male or female, Jew or Gentile we are all equal in Gods sight.   In this situation, Jesus makes it clear, it is all about choice? 
Martha gets so frustrated that she asks Jesus to settle the matter.  Jesus doesn’t help at all and gives her an answer she is not ready to hear.  Often we do not hear the better choice. 
Folks, I going to challenge you this morning asking you to examine your choices for coming to church today.   We all came I hope with the idea of spending time with Jesus, to open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit, to gain from the wisdom of the text.   We came to unload our burdens and recharge our batteries for next week’s battle right?    Well, unconsciously this might not be the case with all of us.   Some may have come strictly out of tradition, others out of duty and some may have come out of curiosity, just to see what I might do next.   How many of us come like Martha, finding it hard to sit still for the full hour, giving Jesus, God and the scriptures our full attention.  Many of us may have come with the week’s unfinished business on our minds, or maybe we are pre-occupied with things to do after worship hour is over.   I believe Jesus’ teaching is not about who is right or who is wrong, I think Jesus is offering us a deeper meaning and it is about choices.  He is offering Mary the opportunity to be good to herself.   If someone other than you is making your choices, you cannot be good to yourself either.  Making good choices for yourself is no easy task folks and often it require you do some deep soul searching.   You not only need to embrace your gifts but you also need to accept an embrace your flaws.  Self-disclosure requires courage.  Often we choose what we think we want or need, only to be disappointed or find ourselves in difficulties.   Choice, is a double edged sward it cuts two ways.   Some yield a reward and others will offer us a learning experience.    Having the ability to choose was not meant to destroy life or relationships, but if I am paying attention, it will tell me something about what is right or wrong for me.  Jesus is offering Mary guidance to make good choices and He wants to guide us too.   Sometimes we choose to please others because we don’t want to cause a fuss nor do we want to be seen as a disappointment to family, church or friends.  Other times it is because we don’t want to be misunderstood as being selfish.  Then there are those among us who find it difficult to hand out an appropriate no, or even an appropriate yes.   We are instructed by Jesus to love ourselves so we can offer the same to a neighbor.   Folks it really is all about choosing something better.  
So then, Mary has made her choice and Jesus concurs, Mary has chosen something better.  In both cases neither is right or wrong.  One sister is struggling with this situation more than the other, because Martha insists she knows what is right for Mary.  In doing so, she breaks one of the cardinal rules of self-awareness.  You can never really live your life through another, nor can you change anyone except yourself.    Any person who doesn’t understand this teaching, will continue to always want to change others.    
If you look closer you will see that the real problem Martha is struggling with:  She struggling with control issues.   You see Mary recognizes her need for Jesus and his words, Martha is preoccupied and sees it differently.   The fact that Jesus commends Mary, tell us something about choosing to be good to oneself.    The issue is really never about being right or wrong, it is about knowing you can always choose something better in thought, word or deed.     Let us pray

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