
Thursday 2 April 2020

"We Are Not Alone"

Message for Today:

It was refreshing to see on the late CTV National News on March 31st a Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Bishop offering prayer for our world.  We have but almost completely eliminated God and Prayer from public gatherings, places of public education, and governments.  A question that comes to mind for me is:   How can we hope, that the will of that which created the universe and our planet be accomplished if we have taken on the mission of callously and carelessly setting God aside.  Was it man that programed that huge Elem Tree within that tiny seed?  Was it man that programed human life to emerge from an egg and sperm so small that the eye cannot see it?

Have we become so blinded by the wisdom of governments, corporations, and the financial world that all it takes is a tiny virus, that which the eye cannot see to bring us to our knees and put the whole world in isolation.  Have we truly not learned that money and materialism or human wisdom on its own will never offer us security nor save us from nature’s rebellion?   

Prophetic voices have been telling us from the very beginning of time, turn away from your foolish idols and the fear of death, for nothing that God created is sustainable by human effort alone. 

Psalm 27:1 Tells us:  May I be so boldly to paraphrase like this:    The LORD is my light and my salvation of whom or what shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When evil advance against me to devour my flesh, when the enemy and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.  We are not alone, God is with us.  Thanks be to God.  

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