
Saturday 31 December 2016

Is The Prophetic Word Enough?

Jan 1, 2017  Colossians 3: 12-17

Many years ago, 43 to be exact, due to circumstances beyond my control I had the responsibility placed upon me to take care of someone who was very close to our family.  This person was unable to speak nor could he fully comprehended my words.  Sometimes there were periods where he would babble incoherently.  There seemed to be disorientation when I would speak of persons, places or things, but did seemingly respond to his own name.  Even after working with him for the first 6 months he still showed complete disregard for his physical appearance and could make no effort to assist me with his own care.  He required someone to feed, bath and cloths him and without teeth, his food needed to be pureed and his shirt was almost always spotted from his constant drooling. Others in the family would often comment on his erratic sleep patterns.  Most of the time he seemed fairly contented, but could all of a sudden out of the blue get quite upset and unhappy, often wailing until some would come and comfort him.    Now I ask you, is this a responsibility you would have liked bestowed upon you?   Well, here is the strangest of things folks.  I got immense pleasure from taking care of him and he taught me much about myself.  He taught me a deep sense of gratitude that I had never known before.  He also tempered my sense of trust in something greater than myself, and I began to understand the power of unconditional love.               Let me show you his picture!  

                                                           Our first born son Kenzie!
The arrival of an infant into anyone’s life brings with it many lessons and responsibilities for us to learn.

Now I want you to imagine the baby Jesus as an infant?  Completely at the mercy of his mother Mary and father Joseph.  There would be many lessons for Him to teach not only to his parents but to all who would come into contact with Him.   Just as my Son Kenzie did and continues to do for me and the many people he comes into contact with today.  

How many mothers or fathers here this morning remember you’re first borne child  Boy or Girl?    Do you remember the wonder, joy and miracle that birth brings, that of seeing “your child” for the first time?  Then the flood of other emotions that hit you as you begin to realize the care and responsibility that new life brings with it.   How helpless and dependent he or she was in your arms.   I have a question for you this morning.  Do you remember the first lesson your child taught you?   What do you remember, would anyone like to share a little bit of their experiences?   [ at this point take time to reflect for yourself}

We who claim to be Christian and who have accepted the birth of this infant child into our lives, do you realize that we were meant to have a life with Christ.  Not just on Sunday morning for an hour; not just through the singing of our traditional songs that tell the story;  not just while attending the Christmas eve church service on December the 24th but to have and maintain a full and joy filled life with Him and it was not meant to end with our physical death.   When we bind our hearts with the love of Jesus it is for eternity folks.  This child would not only teach his parents life lessons but anyone who came into contact with Him, especially the one who would take him into his or her home and into their heart.   That’s what this season is all about, Christmas I mean.  The birth of this infant into your midst should have the same effect for you as it did for Mary and Joseph, because this child, Jesus was meant for you, for He would embody the universal Christ and the Christ child belongs to all humankind, for all things were made through him and for him.  John 1: 3-5 tells us and I quote:  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
 If you claim to be one of His followers, then there must be and always is room in your Inn for Jesus.  

May the words of Colossians sink deep into your physic this morning?  The lesson the infant Jesus most wants to teach us is this.  You too, are a child of God, the God who loves you and chose you for his own.  Jeremiah 1:5   “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”   This scripture brings a serious question to mind folks: have we taken seriously our responsibility to be a prophetic reflection of this child in the world.  For it is our responsibility as followers of Jesus "to show" others his teachings.  Did you hear that, our responsibility is to show others by what we do, not only by what we say. 

So then, let us no longer support or create war but let us be seekers of peace in our world.  Cloth yourselves in the garments of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Be tolerant and forgiving of one another in all situation because forgiveness is the key to your spiritual freedom.  Forgive them, just as the Lord has forgiven all.  But most important add love to all these qualities because love binds all things in perfect unity.  Do this and the peace that Christ gives will guide you in the decision you make during your lifetime.   Plant your soul in the soil of thanksgiving and gratitude and Christ’s message will live and thrive in your heart.  Now it is up to us to teach what the infant has taught us.  Teach and instruct one another in wisdom.  Let us gather singing songs of praise and worship to the One who created all things, that in doing so we might become one united in that love.  Everything you do or say then should be done in the name of Our Lord Jesus who offers to us the anointing and transforming power of the Holy Spirit.  May this be the season that bestows a blessing upon you and your family.  
                                                        He Is Born

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