
Saturday 7 January 2017

"Baptism Is It Really Necessary?"


"Not necessarily but it is right to do this" Matthew 3: 15

Jan 8 2017   Baptism    
Readings:   Isaiah 42: 1-9 Psalm 29  Matthew 3: 13-17
Let us take a moment to reflect on the writings from Isaiah 42: 1-9 this morning, 
We were made and called to serve one another.  Both Israel and the Messiah are often referred to as servant.  In the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible Israel was often referred to as God’s servant.  Israel meaning all of its Jewish counterparts, {the people of Israel}.   At that time in world history, they were the chosen nation, who were to help bring the world to a knowing of the one and only of God, Yahweh.    The Messiah, or Jesus of the New Testament was to be servant to all, not only to the Jews but also to the non-Jew or the Gentiles as they were referred to.  Through the resurrection, Jesus now the resurrected Christ would shine the light of the one God through himself to all peoples of the world.  Part of Christ’s mission on earth while housed in the body of Jesus, was to demonstrate God’s righteousness and to be a guiding light for all.   Through the risen Christ, all people would have the opportunity to share in Jesus’ mission.  God calls us, you and I, to be servants of his Son, demonstrating God’s righteousness and bringing his light, the light of Christ to others.   Jesus was to become the light of the world and so we who follow Him are called to be a reflection of that light.  We bring that reflection to others as we express and demonstrate the hope peace, joy and love that Jesus taught to us.  These are the attributes that we are to take on from our Christmas experience.  Or at least that is supposed to be our experience of the season.  
What a rare privilege it is to help the Messiah fulfill His mission.  Servant hood is a way of life and by seeking Jesus and His righteousness we demonstrate it to others.  As His light shines in our lives we then become a beacon of light for others.  We have come through the preparation of Advent, and to Christmas at the manger.  We have celebrated the birth, singing songs of praises to our new King, The Christ Child, the Messiah and our Prince of Peace.    

The reading from Matthew today brings us to a new place in our faiths history.  Jesus no longer a child but now a fully grown man is being readied to fulfill the promise.   Here is where the ministry of our Savior, Christ the LORD begins, and it begins with His baptism by John in the river Jordan.   This truly is where we begin to see Jesus in a new light, no longer as a child, or a clever boy, but now as a young man.  Not just an ordinary man though, because for all who would turn to him, He would become for them, truly Gods only Son, the Christ and the Savior not just for the Jews but for all humankind.   Christianity could take a lesson from this truth if we have the eyes and ears to take it in.   For it is in this moment of baptism, that the mystery and ministry of the trinity comes to light.   Jesus being present in human form,  God the Fathers anointing voice speaking to his Son, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending upon him, confirming his ministry.     John had been explaining that Jesus’ baptism would be much greater than his.  John baptized by water as a sign that they had asked God to forgive their sins and had decided to live as God wanted them to live.  Baptism was an outward sign of an inward commitment, not just of the mind but a total commitment of body mind and spirit.  To be effective it had to be accompanied by an inward change of attitude, leading to a change of life, like new eyes to see things as they really are, a new mind that seeks to know and teach this new wisdom, and a new heart that is full of compassion and love for all that God has created.   John said that Jesus on the other hand would baptize, differently, He would baptize not with water but with the Holy Spirit and fire.   Folks think about this for a moment, may I suggest!  that many of you have already had this baptism.  Some are not fully aware of it yet, you just know that something has changed in you.  It may be that you may feel a new awareness towards life, a lifting of a burden, a calming during a storm, or you sense life going in a new direction and you know things can never be the same again.  Many say they begin to feel holy nudges.   Not the audible voice of God but being nudged or pushed to do or say something you never would have done or said.   You begin to accept and see the truth about yourself and the people around you.  Some begin to feel the call to authentic mission, to do something not on your behalf but on behalf of God.  In other words, not taking credit for the good deeds you do, but giving credit to the one who made good in you.   This is a tough one because to humble yourself before God isn’t easy even for those who have been baptized in the Spirit.   This baptism is not performed by Clergy, Priest, or any human being, it can happen anywhere and at any time.  It happens in the midst of great joy, or it can happen during a terrible tragedy.  It has been reported to have happened in a moment of prayer under personal distress, as the peace that passes all understanding calms the soul.   Jesus comes to John and asked to be Baptized, John feels unqualified and wants Jesus to baptize him, Jesus knows John has already been baptized by the Spirit, it is showing all over him, for he is on fire for the Lord, he is active in authentic mission and he sees the truth.  John the Baptist like many of us, just might not understand or realize it.  If you haven’t had this experience yet you will, for ALL SHALL SEE the glory of the Lord the scriptures tell us.   Pray for it, ask in the name of Christ and it shall be yours the bible tells us.  No greater thing on earth can you receive than this baptism.   Baptism of the Holy Spirit is offered freely by the resurrected Christ.  Why then did Jesus need to be baptized by John an ordinary man you might ask?  Wouldn't you think holy baptism by the spirit would be enough?    But Jesus himself says” Let it be, for it is proper for us to do this, to fulfill all righteousness Matthew 3: 15.   To fulfill all righteousness, means to accomplish God’s mission.   Jesus saw his baptism by man as advancing God’s work. Baptism for us is a first step in a total commitment to following in “The Way”.  Jesus accepted baptism in this manor to be in obedient service to God, and God shows His approval.   We in the Church follow the same tradition as was laid out that very day in the Jordan.   To encompass the trinity we say “I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.   Baptism being the sign of new life, “an outward sign of an inward experience.  It truly is a mystery, what takes place between God and the baptized.  I have been asked in the past why do I feel that it is so necessary, because Jesus said in Mathew 3:15  “it proper for us to do this to fulfill all Righteousness.”   Baptism is God’s will for all of us. 

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